Handheld Solutions

AutoTour is a mobile field data collection solution for the energy industry.  Developed and maintained by Data Systems & Solutions (DS&S), AutoTour embodies state of the art features and wireless capabilities, enabling the intelligent collection and rapid evaluation of field data.
 AutoTour offers the end user intuitive, easy to use forms and dialogs.  This tool simplifies the electronic collection of data previously captured via inefficient and error-prone paper processes, or simply not collected at all.  Field data collected via AutoTour is accessible to the enterprise for trending, condition monitoring, and notification of asset and/or system conditions.  Users of AutoTour find that the tool provides quick feedback to Operations and Maintenance personnel, and enables Engineering's efficient analysis of asset condition.
 The AutoTour product has been designed with a great deal of flexibility, facilitating its use across many market segments that perform periodic inspection activities (e.g., electric generation, transmission, and distribution, environmental services, and process industry-related services, to name but a few current applications of AutoTour).  For example, utilities that have implemented AutoTour to perform Operator rounds and/or System Engineering Walkdowns are now using the tool to perform Maintenance close-out processes, such as recording equipment as-found and as-left conditions associated with work orders.  AutoTour is also used to automate the T&D substation inspection process and to perform regulatory-based inspections (e.g., such as environmental inspections required by the EPA and fire inspections required by the fire code).
AutoTour offers many unique features.  With AutoTour, a user can rapidly create a Smart Inspection (or any type of equipment inspection) that can accommodate a wide range of data point types.  AutoTour's functionally rich equation editor facilitates the inclusion of calculation capability in the field data collection process.  This "built in" data evaluation capability enables the field data collector to instantaneously assess equipment health based upon collected data, and to subsequently take appropriate actions based upon warnings or alarms that employ this capability.  This same capability can be used to determine point applicability (i.e., points will appear based upon the evaluation of equation(s) that depend on other data collected). 

AutoTour is compatible with the most popular bar code readers and readily integrates with other enterprise systems (e.g., a Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS), such as MAXIMO, a document management system (DMS), etc.).  AutoTour runs on any Windows CE Handheld device, such as the Compaq iPAQ, HP Jornada and others.  AutoTour can run in either a stand-alone mode or networked mode and is compatible with Oracle, SQL Server, or MS Access.  

AutoTour installations are rapid.  Training on the use of the tool is  provided with the installation. 

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