Loma is not just a utility consulting organization. We have joined forces with the providers of Computerized Maintenance Management Systems to facilitate the maintenance improvement process. The new computer tools can help any organization realize the benefits of optimization. We have assisted organizations in building failure databases used to track the performance of equipment, plus forms that detail the "as-found" and "as-left" condition of equipment.
Optimization means more than just changing maintenance tasks. We at Loma believe in the smart maintenance paradigm, where the design, operation and maintenance of equipment all combine to achieve operational excellence. Proactive maintenance, review of operating practices, and understanding the status and condition of equipment are all part of this paradigm. We believe maintenance departments must evolve into data-driven, high tech/high touch organizations, responsible for the corporation's assets. No one will be able to replace equipment as readily as was done in the past, you must live with what you have as long as you can.
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